International Journals

  • Athira, K., Sooraj, N.P., Jaishanker, R., Saroj Kumar, V., Sajeev, C.R., Pillai, M.S., Govind, A. and Dadhwal, V.K. (2019) "Quantitative representation of floral colors". Color Research and Application, 1–7.

  • Athira, K., Sooraj, N.P., Jaishanker, R., Saroj Kumar, V., Sajeev, C.R., Pillai, M.S., Govind, A., Ramarao, N., Dadhwal, V.K. (2019) “Chromatic exclusivity hypothesis and the physical basis of floral color.”,International Journal of Ecological Informatics,49: 40 – 44.

  • Rajan, S. C., Athira, K., Jaishanker, R., Sooraj, N. P., Sarojkumar, V. (2018) “Rapid assessment of biodiversity using acoustic indices.”, Biodiversity and Conservation 1-13.

  • Reddy, C.S., Faseela, V.S., Anjaly, U., Jha, C. S.(2018) “Earth observation data for assessing biodiversity conservation priorities in South Asia.”, Biodiversity and Conservation. DOI 10.1007/s10531-018-1681-0.

  • Athira, K., Reddy, C. S., Saranya, K. R. L., Joseph, S., Jaishanker, R. (2017) “Habitat monitoring and conservation prioritisation of protected areas in Western Ghats, Kerala, India”, Environmental monitoring and assessment 189(6): 189 -295.DOI 10.1007/s10661-017-5998-z.

  • Saroj K.V., Nair B. A, Nair P. V. R., Annamalai A., Jaishanker R., Sooraj N. P., Umamaheswaran K., Peethambaran C. K. (2017) “First Report of Colletotrichum siamense causing Anthracnose of Cliff Banana in India”, Plant Diseases 101(2): 2017.

  • Saroj. K.V., Annamalai.A. and Jaishanker.R. (2016) “Surface Micro Morphology of Seed Coat and Endosperm of Ensete superbum (Roxb.) Cheesman: A conservation concern Species of India”,Current Science (under review).

  • Jaishanker Raghunathan Nair, Sooraj N P, Somasekheran M Pillai, Athira Kakkara, Ammini Joseph, Aswathy Krishna, Indu I, Saroj Kumar Vasundharan Floral Radiometry: A Biophysical Basis to Characterize Landscapes.

  • Saroj Kumar V, Jaishanker R., Annamalai, A. (2013). Investigation into the Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Features of Seeds of Ensete superbum (Roxb.) Cheesman: A Rare Medicinal Plant of India. Pharmacognosy Journal, 5 (2013): 163-169.

  • David, M., Behr, F.J and Jaishanker. R. (2013). Assessment of Google+ Hangout as Interactive Technology Enhanced learning media. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. Volume 3, Issue 12,December 2013.

  • Sooraj, N.P., Rakhi. K. Raj and Jaishanker. R. (2013). Micro Level Land Cover Dynamics: A Study of Land Cover Change within a Planned Developmental Site. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. Volume 3, Issue 12,December 2013.

  • Saroj Kumar, V., Jaishanker,R., Annamalai, A. & Iyer, C. S. P. (2011). Unregulated trade: a creeping threat to relict plant population of Ensete superbum (Roxb.) Cheesman in Kerala, Current Science, Vol 100(5): 602-603.

  • Jaishanker, R., Thomaskutty, A.V., Senthivel. T. and Sridhar, V.N. (2006). Soil Line Based Method For Relative Radiometric Normalisation. International journal of Remote Sensing 27(21-22), pp. 5137-5142.

  • Sarojkumar, V., Jaishanker, R., Annamalai, A. AndIyer, C.S.P. (2010). Ensete superbum (Roxb.) Cheesman: a rare medicinal plant in urgent need of conservation. Current Science. 98(5):312.